Studia Lednickie, tom XXII (2023)

Studia Lednickie T. XXII //Lednica Studies

tom XXII (2023)

Badania weksylologiczne oraz problematyka konserwatorska XX-wiecznego sztandaru kombatanckiego powstańców wielkopolskich pochodzącego ze zbiorów Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy //Vexillological research and conservation aspects of the 20th-century veteran banner of the Wielkopolska insurgents from the collection of the Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica

tom XXII (2023)

The following article is devoted to vexillological research and conservation aspects of the 20th-century veterans’ banner of the Insurgents and Warriors Society (TPiW) from Zdziechowa against the background of the regional tradition of the Wielkopolska Uprising. The work has three objectives. The first is the verification of archival materials, placed in the historical context of the battle of Zdziechowa and the development of the Insurgents and Warriors Society (the history of its establishment, the assumptions adopted and the figures of veterans). The second – identification of the kind and type of banner, its construction, and the technique and technology of its manufacture, together with the determination of the state of its preservation and the indication of the causes of the damage it has received. In addition, an attempt was made to determine the provenance of the banner, its dating, and to identify the manufacturing plant (workshop) in which it was made. The conducted study involved scientific consultation, research of source materials, as well as comparative analysis of analogously dated objects. The obtained results of the formal and content analysis and their interpretation constitute the content of this article.
Dominika Popiołek
(Muzeum Etnograficzne im. Marii Znamierowskiej-Prüfferowej w Toruniu)
Wirujące tarcze. Nowe znalezisko peltakształtnego okucia z Dziekanowic jako przykład wymiany kulturowej między Cesarstwem Rzymskim a Barbaricum //Whirling shields. A new find of pelta-shaped fitting from Dziekanowice as an example of cultural exchange between the Roman Empire and Barbaricum

tom XXII (2023)

In the course of prospections of the shores of Lednica Lake with metal detectors carried out in cooperation with WGEH (Wielkopolska Exploratory – Historical Group) – “GNIAZDO”, the Museum of First Piasts has acquired hundreds of metal relics of various chronologies. Among them are also dozens of artefacts dating back to the period of Roman infl uence. One of them is the eponymous pelta-shaped fitting, which came from a horse harness or belt used by a Roman soldier. The form of the appliqué indicates a connection with Celtic aesthetics which infl uenced the look of the imperial army’s armament in the late 2nd and early 3rd centuries AD. The articleis an attempt to understand the symbolism and function of this particular ornament based on the numerous analogies collected, and presents possible scenarios for the influx of this type of object into Barbaricum.
Aleksander Przybylski
(Stowarzyszeniem Wielkopolska Grupa Eksploracyjno-Historyczna „Gniazdo”)
Średniowieczne krążki ołowiane ze zbiorów Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy w świetle badań traseologicznych. Możliwości wykorzystania badań mikroskopowych do analiz funkcjonalnych zabytków metalowych //Medieval lead discs from the collection of the Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica in the light of traseological studies. The potential of using microscopic studies for functional analysis of metal relics

tom XXII (2023)

In the course of research conducted at early medieval sites, the so-called lead discs with holes were discovered. Determining the function of these objects poses many difficulties. Some recognize them as scales weights, others as weights. The microscopictraseological analyses of 20 lead discs and 2 clay spinners from the collection of the Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica, presented in this article, allowed us to identify a number of traces created during their use. Juxtaposing this information with other metric features in the analysed collection of discs, four functional categories were separated: spinners, weights, beads and holders.
Barbara Wielgus-Wawrzyniak
(Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu)
Wyniki prac antropologicznych w krypcie kościoła oo. Franciszkanów w Gnieźnie //Results of anthropological work in the crypt of the Franciscan church in Gniezno

tom XXII (2023)

The osteological material obtained during the renovation and restoration works carried out in 2016 in the crypt of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Franciscan Fathers in Gniezno was subjected to anthropological studies. Numerous human remains located loosely in the crypt were examined and put in order. In the course of the analysis, it was determined that they came from no less than 41 individuals, who died at various ages and who were of different sexes. The ossuary was also examined, where the deposited human remains belonged to no less than 111 individuals.
Anna Wrzesińska
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
„Archeolog z powerem” – wspomnienie o Andrzeju Sikorskim (1953-2023) //Archaeologist with power - a memory of Andrzej Sikorski (1953-2023)

tom XXII (2023)

Andrzej Kowalczyk
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
Edwin Józef Dzięciołowski (1930-2023) //Edwin Józef Dzięciołowski (1930-2023)

tom XXII (2023)

Danuta Banaszak
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
Nagroda Lednickiego Orła Piastowskiego dla Profesora Andrzeja Buko //Lednica Piast Eagle Award for Professor Andrzej Buko

tom XXII (2023)

Paweł Sankiewicz
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
Diament w piastowskiej koronie. Jubileusz 60-lecia Rezerwatu Archeologicznego w Gieczu //Diamond in the Piast crown. The 60th anniversary of the Archaeological Reserve in Giecz

tom XXII (2023)

Teresa Krysztofiak
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
Materiały do bibliografii regionu Ostrowa Lednickiego za lata 2020-2023, uzupełnienie za rok 2019 //Materials for a bibliography concerning the Ostrów Lednicki region in the years 2020-2023, supplement for 2019

tom XXII (2023)

Piotr Kuszczak
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
Materiały do bibliografii regionu Giecza za lata 2020-2023, uzupełnienie za rok 2019 //Materials for a bibliography concerning the Giecz region in the years 2020-2023, supplement for 2019

tom XXII (2023)

Piotr Kuszczak
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
Materiały do bibliografii Grzybowa za lata 2020-2023, uzupełnienie za rok 2019 //Materials for a bibliography concerning the Grzybowo region in the years 2020-2023, supplement for 2019

tom XXII (2023)

Piotr Kuszczak
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
Materiały do bibliografii regionu Radzimia za lata 2020-2023 //Materials for a bibliography concerning the Radzim region in the years 2020-2023

tom XXII (2023)

Piotr Kuszczak
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)