Homilia arcybiskupa Wojciecha Polaka Metropolity Gnieźnieńskiego Prymasa Polski wygłoszona podczas nabożeństwa ekumenicznego sprawowanego w kaplicy palatium Mieszka I na Ostrowie Lednickim z okazji 1050. rocznicy Chrztu Polski, 14 kwietnia 2016
A.D. 966. Chrzest księcia Mieszka. Dylematy naukowe i znaczenie tego aktu dla przemian kulturowych na ziemiach polskich. Zagadnienia wybrane // A.D. 966. The Babtism of Duke Mieszko. Reserch Dilemmas and the Importance of the Act for Cultural Transformations in Poland.
This paper is a general overview of selected sources and ideas on the baptism of Duke Mieszko I and the beginnings of the Christianization of the Polish lands functioning in Polish historiography. New hypotheses and interpretations keep being formulated in the historical sciences. This paper seeks to highlight some issues related to the motives behind the adoption of the Christian faith by some European rulers and the grounding of Christianity in various communities, especially in tenth-century Poland. The paper briefly discusses the likely location of Duke Mieszko’s baptism and the possible identity of the celebrant. The paper looks at these issues in the context of selected seventh- to eleventh-century sources and provides an overview of the religious architecture, which is one of the most observable manifestations of the process of the Christianization of Poland from the mid-tenth to mid-eleventh centuries. This paper is short and as such discusses only some issues that will and must be the subject of further research.
Andrzej M. Wyrwa (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu)