Gerard Wilke – jeden z twórców archeologii podwodnej w Polsce, badacz podwodnego dziedzictwa Ostrowa Lednickiego // Gerard Wilke – one of the originators of underwater archaeology in Poland, a researcher of underwater heritage of Ostrów Lednicki
tom XIX (2020)
Andrzej Pydyn
(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu)
Uwagi o plenerowych rekonstrukcjach pradziejowych i średniowiecznych przepraw mostowych w Europie Środkowej. Mosty drewniane // Remarks on outdoor reconstructions of primeval and medieval bridge crossings in Central Europe. Wooden bridges
tom XIX (2020)
The article presents remarks on outdoor reconstructions of primeval and medieval bridge crossings in Central Europe on the example of the selected constructions with a wooden structure. The presented bridges were the subject of archaeological research on terrestrialised lake and river reservoirs or the subject of underwater
prospection. Firstly the article presents the construction of primeval bridges, by showing the bridge of the defensive settlement of the Lusatian culture from the 8th century BC in Biskupin on Kujawy in Poland. The next construction is a Celtic bridge from Cornaux-Les Sauges in Switzerland, from 120-115 BC, displayed in Laténium, in an archaeological park in Hauterive on the shore of Lake Neuchâtel. Further the article presents outdoor reconstructions of the medieval bridges, beginning with Gross Raden (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) from the end of the 9th century till the beginning of the 11th century, and further Kalisz-Zawodzie, built in the 9th century and used till the beginning of the 13th century. The bridge crossing between Rapperswil and Hurden in Switzerland, on Zurich Lake, is the greatest medieval bridge construction in Central Europe. The bridge was built in 1358-1360 and functioned till almost the end of the 19th century. In 2001 a replica of this bridge was created. Discussion on outdoor reconstructions of bridges should also mention a large-size construction of the bridge-like port pier in Haithabu, near Schleswig (Schleswig-Holstein), dated 885/886. The bridge near Ravning Enge in Denmark is the next construction. The occasional replica of the part of Władysław Jagiełło bridge in Czerwińsk from 1410, built for the Polish troops to cross the Vistula river before the Battle of Grunwald with the Teutonic Order, is also worth mentioning. In the fi nal part of the article the remarks concerning the potential reconstruction possibilities of the interesting bridge constructions in Poland and the Czech Republic are included. They include bridges on Ostrów Lednicki, built at the turn of the 10th and 11th century to the island’s gord, the residence of the first Piasts, and the third one, which later led to the tower knights’ residence, located on a small island, Ledniczka. In the Czech Republic, the Museum of the Great Moravia in Mikulčice faces a similar challenge. Between several parts of this great settlement from the 9th century, 3 bridge crossings were discovered.
Gerard Wilke
(Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel)
Biskupin... i co z tego? Wiedza totalna w kontekście rozwoju prospekcji archeologicznej // Biskupin... and so what? Total knowledge in the context of the development of archaeological prospection
tom XIX (2020)
The problem of knowledge based on one method and competing specializations does not only apply to archaeology. This phenomenon has been described by V. Frankl, an Austrian philosopher who noticed the harmful effects of the fragmentary view of specialists on human nature. Frankl’s analysis translated onto archaeological prospection has a number of implications, the main of which is the need to integrate techniques and an awareness of the cognitive limitations of the applied methods.
Piotr Wroniecki
Gra dla wielu aktorów. Badania pola bitwy pod Kunowicami (12.08.1759) w latach 2009-2018 i ich uczestnicy // Game for many actors. The research on the Kunowice battlefield (12.08.1759) in the years 2009-2018 and its participants
tom XIX (2020)
The article presents archaeological research on the Battle of Kunowice (12.08.1759). The text shows the results of works conducted in the years 2009-2018, and briefly presents the findings (moveable monuments, relics of field fortifications, soldier’s graves), the participants (archaeologists, students, monument seekers), the methodology and selected problems which were encountered during field works.
Grzegorz Podruczny
(Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu)
Nowoczesne detektory metali w służbie archeologii na przykładzie urządzeń XP Deus, Minelab Equinox 800 oraz Garrett 400i // Advanced metal detectors used in archaeology on the example of the XP Deus, Minelab Equinox 8007 and Garrett 400i device
tom XIX (2020)
Abstrakt The article contains the short characteristics and a test of the advanced metal detectors: XP Deus, Minelab Equinox 800 and Garrett 400i.
Krystian Sobkowiak
(Stowarzyszenie Wielkopolska Grupa Eksploracyjno-Historyczna "Gniazdo")
Głos w dyskusji o Projekcie Lednica i używaniu wykrywaczy metali w badaniach archeologicznych // A voice in the discussion on Lednica Project and on the usage of metal detectors in archaeological research
tom XIX (2020)
The article presents a record of the author’s participation in the discussion after the presentation of the assumptions and the results of the first stage of Projekt Lednica (Lednica Project) in 2018. It includes the remarks on the use of metal detectors in the archaeological profession with respect to the principles of archaeological heritage protection.
Marcin Sabaciński
(Narodowy Instytut Dziedzctwa)
Reforma uwłaszczeniowa we wsi Grzybowo koło Wrześni // Enfranchisement reform in Grzybowo village near Września
tom XIX (2020)
The article is devoted to affranchisement reform in Grzybowo village near Września, implemented in the 19th century. The basic historical sources which are used to study this subject matter are “recesy”, i.e. land regulation and separation documents for the granges in Grzybowo Chrzanowice and Grzybowo Rabieżyce, as well as a regulatory-restitution map of Grzybowo village from 1845. As a result of this reform, serfdom was abolished and the full ownership was granted to two peasants in Grzybowo Chrzanowice – Maciej Chylak and Stanisław Zaporowski – as well as the Hyla family in Grzybowo Rabieżyce, along with four peasants in Grzybowo Wódki: Bartłomiej Dutkiewicz, Andrzej Tomaszewski, Anna Sobaszkiewiczówna and Franciszek Sworowski. A regulatory-restitution map of Grzybowo village from 1845, which also showed an early medieval gord in this locality, has been presented for the first time in this article. This is the oldest known plan of this locality.
Jakub Linetty
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
Osoby z niepełnosprawnością w muzeum na wolnym powietrzu. Ograniczenia czy niemoc organizacyjna // People with disabilities in the open-air museum. Restrictions or organizational malaise?
tom XIX (2020)
Abstrakt The article presents the obstacles which people with different disabilities have to face when they visit cultural institutions such as museums. The author would like to draw attention to the need to introduce changes which could make the Museums open and accessible places for everyone.
Mariola Olejniczak
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
Přehled nedestruktivních geofyzikálních měření Archeologického ústavu AV ČR v Praze na archeologických lokalitách ve správě Muzea Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy/ Przegląd wyników nieinwazyjnych badań geofizycznych Instytutu Archeologii Czeskiej Akadem // Overview of non-destructive geophysical measurements of the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague at archaeological sites administered by the Museum of the First Piasts at Lednicay
tom XIX (2020)
Geophysical surveying is one of the most frequently used and fully non-destructive methods of so-called non-destructive archaeology in contemporary archaeology. The main advantages include the possibility of quick prospection, obtaining area data on even larger terrain of archaeological sites or also the possibility of identifying various situations hidden under the current terrain surface. However, the effective application of geophysical methods follows certain rules, and individual methods have limitations. They result from many possibilities of conducting research, as well as from the methodology of measuring with the given methods, from the type of monitorem physical quantity or its properties, and from unequal depth ranges of these methods, but mainly from actual field conditions of measurement, the character of supposed subsurface archaeological activities, and the amount and intensity of anthropogenic changes within archaeological sites including modern landscape changes. All these indicators
were also reflected in the presented results of Polish early medieval sites belonging to the Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica. Th is article contains a summary and examples of the results of geophysical surveys carried out in the last decade within the framework of the long term Czech-Polish cooperation initiated on the basis of the project “The stratigraphy of chosen hillforts of the Piast´s and Přemyslid´s domain in the light of a comparison with non-destructive research”, which was implemented by the Institue of Archaeology and Ethnology PAN in Warsaw and the Institute of Archaeology CAS in Prague under the leadership of prof. Michał Kara and dr. Roman Křivánek in cooperation with the Museum of the first Piasts in Lednica with mgr. Arkadiusz Tabaka. On selected examples we can illustrate various possibilities, circumstances and also measuring ranges and limitations of the subsequent interpretation of measured data. Despite the unequal possibilities and conditions of archaeogeophysical measurements at individual sites, the set of the results represents a significantly inexpensive and non-destructive method of the areal monitoring and documentation of the early medieval sites such as hillforts and their background (for example villages or burial cemeteries).
Roman Křivánek
(Czech Academy of Sciences)
Odkrycia nowych podwodnych stanowisk w Jeziorze Kromszewickim na Pojezierzu Kujawskim // The discoveries of new underwater sites in Kromszewice Lake on Pojezierze Kujawskie
tom XIX (2020)
Pojezierze Kujawskie is an area where archaeological sites are occasional. Therefore, as a result of a discovery of a dugout canoe, archaeologists became interested in Kromszewickie lake. Within two seasons of explorations, a dugout canoe discovered by a local diver was traced, ceramic material was collected from the bottom and wooden remains of a construction in the form of piles were documented. The analysis of the material suggests that there was an archeological site or sites dated to the late Middle Ages or the early modern period on the eastern shore of the lake. The relics of the construction located on the underwater shallowing contained archaeological artefacts dated to the 2nd half of 12th-13th century. This situation is unusual for lakes on Pojezierze Kujawskie, where underwater archaeological sites are occasional.
Mateusz Popek
(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu), Patryk Banasiak
(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu), Paweł Stencel
(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu), Kamila Kociszewska
(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika
W kwestii datowania wczesnośredniowiecznego grodziska w Rogoźnie. Komunikat // On dating an early medieval gord in Rogoźno. A statement
tom XIX (2020)
It has been assumed so far that an early medieval gord in Rogoźno functioned in the C or D0 phase. Owing to the dendrochronological analysis of the wood samples from the beams which originally constituted the construction elements of the gord’s dyke, it has been recently claimed that the stronghold was erected in the 20s of the 10th century. The construction of the gord as well as its functioning should be dated to the beginning of the formation of the state of the First Piasts in the Gniezno region and its adjoining areas, i.e. also in the Rogoźno region.
Piotr Wawrzyniak
(Pracownia Archeologiczno-Konserwatorska mgr Alina Jaszewska)
Odpowiedź na recenzję Edwarda Skibińskiego // A response to the review by Edwarda Skibińskiego
tom XIX (2020)
Tomasz Jurek
(Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla)
Katalog nowych znalezisk monet rzymskich z okolic Ostrowa Lednickiego. Projekt Lednica „Razem dla ratowania zabytków” (2018-2022) // The catalogue of new finds of the Roman coins from the surroundings of Ostrów Lednicki. Lednica Project „Razem dla ratowania zabytków” (“Together to save the monuments”) (2018-2022)
tom XIX (2020)
Katarzyna Balbuza
(Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu)
Dokumentacja fotogrametryczna ruin palatium na wyspie Ostrów Lednicki // Photogrammetric documentation of the ruins of the palas on Ostrów Lednicki island
tom XIX (2020)
Paweł Stencel
(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu)
Projekt naukowy pt. „Ostrów Lednicki – palatium Mieszka I i Bolesława Chrobrego. Chronologia i kontekst” // Ostrów Lednicki – Palace (Palatium) of the Mieszko I and Bolesław Chrobry. Chronology and context – a research project
tom XIX (2020)
Danuta Banaszak
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
Projekt naukowy pt. „Antropopresja a dziedzictwo archeologiczne. Przykład Lednickiego Parku Krajobrazowego” // Anthropopressure vs archaeological heritage. The example of Lednica Landscape Park – a research project
tom XIX (2020)
Mikołaj Kostyrko
(Poznań), Andrzej Kowalczyk
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy), Lidia Żuk
(Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu)
Projekt naukowy pt. „Giecz, stan. 4. Opracowanie i publikacja materiałów archeologicznych z wczesnośredniowiecznego cmentarzyska” // Giecz, site 4. Compilation and publication of archaeological materials from the early medieval burial ground – a research project
tom XIX (2020)
Elżbieta Indycka
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
Profesor Hanna Kóčka-Krenz laureatką 12. edycji Nagrody Lednickiego Orła Piastowskiego // Professor Hanna Kóčka-Krenz. The laureate of the 12th edition of the Lednica Piast Eagle Award
tom XIX (2020)
Andrzej Michałowski
(Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu)
Jubileuszowa wystawa „VIA MUSAEI. MENTE ET LABORE. 50 lat Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy” // The Jubilee exhibition „VIA MUSAEI. MENTE ET LABORE. 50 years of the Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica”
tom XIX (2020)
Ewa Pelczyk
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy), Jakub Linetty
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
Z archiwum ziemi i toni wodnej. Świadectwa dziedzictwa pierwszych Piastów // From the archive of earth and water depths. The testimonies of the first Piasts legacy
tom XIX (2020)
Andrzej Kowalczyk
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
Materiały do bibliografi i regionu Ostrowa Lednickiego za lata 2018-2019, uzupełnienie za rok 2017 // Materials for a bibliography concerning the Ostrów Lednicki region in the years 2018-2019, supplement for 2017
tom XIX (2020)
Piotr Kuszczak
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
Materiały do bibliografi i regionu Giecza za lata 2018-2019, uzupełnienie za rok 2017 // Materials for a bibliography concerning the Giecz region in the years 2018-2019, supplement for 2017
tom XIX (2020)
Piotr Kuszczak
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
Materiały do bibliografi i Grzybowa za lata 2018-2019, uzupełnienia za rok 2017 // Materials for a bibliography concerning the Grzybowo region in the years 2018-2019, supplement for 2017
tom XIX (2020)
Piotr Kuszczak
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
Materiały do bibliografi i regionu Radzimia za lata 2018-2019 // Materials for a bibliography concerning the Radzim region in the years 2018-2019
tom XIX (2020)
Piotr Kuszczak
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)